NOTE: This site is Under Construction
Please read the following instructions and procedures in detail!
In this Training Center you will find Links to Training Videos for different aspects of our business.
The links will direct you to an off-site location which is the sharing platform we use to host our training videos and downloadable material.
The training videos will be numerically titled from 1 - ?. For example the 1st video in the series will be titled "1_whatever_name_etc" the 2nd will be "2_whatever_name_etc".
You should obviously watch the videos in numerical order to get a complete picture of the entire training series.
In addition to Training Videos, you will also have access to updated files for download. These files will include a variety of material that we use in our day-to-day operations here at Rehab Vault.
All downloadable material will have the word "Download" in the title. For example, "Download_SellerLeadSheet".
After you click on the download folder, you will be directed to a screen where you will be given a clickable download link which will allow you to download the material.
In addition, in most cases the title will also have a date within it denoting the latest version of the file you are about to download.
In the event there is no date within the title, please consider the material as our most recent and updated version.
You will be able to download files such as our most recent seller lead sheet or company operating procedures manual.
We will update our files and videos periodically on an as needed basis.
If there are certain files or downloads missing or you are experiencing technical difficulties, please email for further clarification and direction.
Please continue below for training videos. Each section below will have a brief description of the training videos included.
Before you continue however, please read our (c) Copyright Notice!
(c) Copyright NOTICE: The material included in this training center is intellectual property of Rehab Vault, LLC and shall be guarded as such. None of this material can be shared without the written permission of Rehab Vault, LLC.